The 37th Annual Oak Hollow Open

golfers high fiving on the course

June 7 & 8, 2025

Please do not ask to change your tee time. We have gone to great lengths to meet all of the requests that we had on your applications and AM tee times were based on a first to pay and enter basis. We look forward to hosting another stellar event this year as we have another full field. We are also asking that all golfers will keep up with the pace of play goal of 4 hours 30 minutes or less. Course marshals’ will be out on the course assisting this and note that if asked to speed up please do so without excuse for the enjoyment of all players in this years field.  

Congratulations to the 2025 winners, Andrew Mespelt and Mike Gill with a fine score of 60-56 for a two-day total of 116.

For information on prepay green fees and cart fees please click here.

This will be a 36 Hole, two-person team event playing Captain’s Choice Style (Catfight).

The field will be flighted after the first round.

Entries are open to all amateur golfers 16 years of age or older.

Entries are subject to approval or rejection by the Tournament Committee.

Open to the First 100 Teams.

Additional events and information this year!

Seniors (Age 55 years of age and older) will play from the white tees.

Par 3 Challenge-Closest to the pin on all par three’s both days

Over $14,000 in Prizes and Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates will be awarded to the Five Top Teams in each flight. Prize distribution will be as follows, based on a full field:

1st Place Team $1000.00
2nd Place Team $550.00
3rd Place Team $400.00
4th Place Team $300.00
5th Place Team $250.00
6th Place Team $200.00

If you would like to pay by credit card, please call the pro shop and provide card information. To pay by check, print entry form below and send in or drop it by the pro shop with payment.

Applications and Entry Fees will be accepted beginning March 1, 2025.

Click Here for the 2025 Oak Hollow Open Entry Form.

Click Here for the Green and Cart Fee Pay in Advance Form.


* The tee times posted below are final and cannot be changed for any reason. We have taken into consideration what was written on your initial application and did our best to meet all of the requests that were made. Please note that if you cannot play in your respective tee time slot and need to be removed from the tournament for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible. We will have multiple alternates that would love to take your place.